Nevertheless, the Rebel fleet under Admiral Ackbar's command is able to stand its ground. The Emperor's trap is played out at the Battle of Endor. Inferno Squad witnessed from Endor's surface the destruction of the Death Star II. The Emperor's plan must not fail." ―Admiral Garrick Versio to his daughter, Commander Iden Versio Eliminate the Rebels and return to the Corvus.

She watches over a hologram of the Death Star in orbit of Endor and remarks that the Rebellion will die today. Iden reunites with Hask and Agent Del Meeko, and tells Hask to send a message to Admiral Garrick Versio: the Emperor's plan is safe. She is intercepted by the Imperial raider Corvus, which jumps into hyperspace before the Invincible Faith can strike back. This triggers an alarm, but Iden equips herself with a blaster and makes it to an airlock. Iden moves towards the ship's communications center, where she erases an intercepted transmission from Moff Raythe that would have informed the Rebellion of the Empire's trap. Iden sneaks past a briefing between key Rebel personnel and Admiral Gial Ackbar, who invites the Invincible Faith to join the rest of the Alliance Fleet amassing at Sullust to launch a surprise attack on the second Death Star above Endor, unaware that the Empire has already learned of this and is planning a trap. The droid slices open the door while Iden makes contact with Agent Gideon Hask, who asks her if the Rebels have figured out that she wanted to be captured. Dio sneaks through the Invincible Faith 's ventilation, eventually making it to Iden's cell and freeing her from her cuffs. After he leaves, Iden remotely activates her ID10 seeker droid, Dio, through her helmet, which shocks the Sullustan rebel technician. The captain proceeds to implore her to join the Rebel Alliance, warning her that his technicians will slice her droid either way and that the Galactic Empire's time has come, to which she replies that he's right: the Empire's time has come.
He asks her to hand over an access code for her droid, but she doesn't respond. The ship's captain interrogates her, identifying her as Iden Versio, commander of Inferno Squad in the Imperial Special Forces.

A rebel officer, having profiled the prisoner, warns the ship's captain that she is highly trained in deception, infiltration, and extraction: she's special forces. Somewhere in space, a U-wing transport carrying a high-value prisoner is escorted to the Mon Calamari Security Cruiser Invincible Faith by two A-wing interceptors. Iden Versio allowed herself to be captured in order to erase an intercepted transmission. " The Empire's time has come." ―Commander Iden Versio to the Invincible Faith 's captain Plot Main Story Escaping from the Invincible Faith

There are segments in the campaign where other characters are playable as well, including Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Kylo Ren, Lando Calrissian and Princess Leia Organa. The story spans thirty years, beginning in the waning months of the Galactic Civil War and concluding at the destruction of Starkiller Base. Versio tells her troops that they will avenge the Emperor. Upon witnessing the destruction of the second Death Star, Versio's troops look to her for direction. The storyline predominantly follows Iden Versio, commander of the Imperial Special Forces unit Inferno Squad.